Culture of Safety

Our Comprehensive Food Safety Program

Sunny Creek Farm’s facility is a modern, state of the art plant with a well-trained staff and comprehensive food safety program. We are proactive in our approach to prevent contamination using the HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) program to minimize any hazards or risks associated with sprout production. Sunny Creek Farm scrupulously follows the FDA guideline for hold and release testing and sanitation of seed. We test effluent water from each batch of sprouts for Salmonella (spp.), E. coli 0157 strains, including H7, and Listeria (spp.) and have our test results verified prior to shipping. We also have an environmental hygiene program which includes swab testing of all surfaces for the Salmonella (spp.), E. coli 0157 strains, including H7, and Listeria (spp.) pathogens. Sunny Creek Farm has never had a recall or been indicated in any food borne illness occurrence.